How to Apply to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
Thank you for your interest in St. Francis of Assisi School! Once you have decided that you would like to have your child considered for admission, please create an account and complete an application. All applications must be completed online. Contact us if you need assistance with this process.
- Log in to the Admissions portal to create an account.
- Complete your application online and pay the application fee.
- We will contact you with a decision after this process has been completed.

- For PRESCHOOL, you will be contacted by the Director of Enrollment to learn about your place on the application waiting list.
- For KINDERGARTEN, you will be contacted by the Director of Enrollment to learn about your place on the application waiting list. She will also invite you to bring your child for a visit to participate in readiness screening prior to registration.
- For 1st – 8th GRADES, you also must upload the child’s school records and standardized testing scores. (If your child has attended more than one school, please provide a final report card for the school attended prior to their current one.) Once the required information has been received, you will be contacted by the Director of Enrollment to schedule a shadow date.
Current families will be asked to recommit to our school in December. Once we have determined the number of openings we will have in each grade, we will contact the names on our waitlist, in the order in which they were accepted, to request that they complete the registration process.
Financial Aid
Any family who has indicated an interest in financial aid must complete an application using the FACTS Grant in Aid Analysis. The grants portal opens in November. The deadline for applying is February 28.
Age Requirements
- PreK 2 – Students must be 2 before September 1st
- PreK 3 – Students must be 3 before September 1st
- PreK 4 – Students must be 4 before September 1st
- Kindergarten – Students must be 5 before September 1st
Registration for new students who have completed an application and who have been accepted and meet the requirements for admission begins during Open House in October. A baptismal certificate (unless the child was baptized at St.Francis of Assisi or is a non-Catholic) and a birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration. In classes where there is a waiting list, families will be contacted when a space becomes available, and will ordinarily have 5 business days in which to accept the place and pay the non-refundable registration fee.
Registration is an implied contract renewed each year between the school and parent. The terms of that contract are the policies in the School Handbook. Admission of the child to the school is for a probationary period of up to one year.